There are protocols to observed for anyone that wanted to meet the Father in person and commune with HIM intimately, and one of this protocol is that you must first draw near to HIM, you must first go to the place where HE dwells, then HE will reveal himself to you at HIS dwelling place. There are two different places that the scripture reveals to us that the Father specifically consecrated and established HIS throne there as HIS dwelling place; one is heaven which is beyond the sky above, and the second is the heart of those who have become born again, there also our heavenly Father established is dominion by HIS Spirit so that everything we thinks, feel, experience, imagine and do will be inspired by HIS Spirit and regulated by HIM. Apart from this, the ultimate purpose why HE chooses to dwell in our heart by HIS Spirit is so that we can experience fellowship and intimate union with HIM such that HE will be so real and close to we HIS children beyond life itself to...
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