2000years  ago;
The first Apostle  that stand as a foundation for the  church is Peter he was the  one that reveals  to us that JESUS is the CHRIST.
He was  the  first spiritual and physical leader   of  the church then.
Later the spiritual  leadership baton pass on to a  man  named  paul.
He was the one that  reveals  to us  our identity  in Christ and also brought order  to the church.
He  reveals to us the  wisdom behind  the death of Christ and what happen from the  garden of gethsemane  to the  cross and then to  the  throne.
Then  after  paul, this same baton of  leadership pass  on to  a great beloved  and  mystic  Apostle of Christ  called  JOHN;
He  was the  one that  reveals to us  the person of HOLY SPIRIT and the  FATHER in  his  epistles  and  gospel.
He reveals  to  us  that we  can fellowship  with this Father  of light.
He was the last apostle and  it was believed that  he didn't  taste  death  but became immortal and  was translated  unto  Glory like  Enoch and  Elijah.
Enoch-Moses-Elijah represent different  dimensions of YAHWEH  in the  old  testament which  is parallel to  the dimensions that Peter-Paul-John also  represent to  us  in new  testament.
These  3  great apostles  of the lamb has pass  on to  glory but their ministry is  still in manifestation
They  are not  just men with  an  apostleship calling,
they are  also a  system  in the kingdom  that symbolized different  dimensions of  YAHWEH.
And their ministry has been re-circled back to earth through different ministers in  different dispensations.
the  great  awakenings and  revivals that happen from the voice of healing 1960,1950,1940 and backward were  manifestations of  the office and dimensions of  peter ministry.
While  the rising  of  teaching ministries that started  in 1970s and  apostolic  ministries that rise  from 1990 were  manifestations of apostle Paul's office  and  dimensions  which were  entrusted to him in  the kingdom.
Now we  are in the awakening and restoration of  apostle John's mystical  and love dimensions  in  the body of Christ.
Currently there  is an increase rising of  great apostles and  teachers after the order of paul...
But very soon we shall begin to see the rising  of apostles and prophet after the  order of JOHN.
They  shall teach men the  path to LOVE  and UNION with their  heavenly Father.
They  shall manifest immortality to their generation,
and show that physical death  is not  compulsory for believers.
This  as  been  the order and  pattern of dealings and manifestations of the  kingdom upon the face  of earth.
From peter-Paul-John.


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