
Few months ago the Lord began to speak to me about the mystery of sound and creation. He took me to the book of Job 38:6-7, where He reveals that the morning stars sang together and all the sons of God shouted for Joy when He was laying the foundation of the world.

 In other words, sound is part of the codes  that He used to program the whole creation and if sound is part of the codes He used, then this same sounds can also be used to reprogram the whole creation in a territory and the whole  world.

 He says that Lucifer understand this secret before he fell, and ever since he fell he has been using it to exercise dominion over some territory of the earth.

He exercise this dominion by influencing unbelievers in Music Industry to release perverted sounds which then go viral to territories of the earth such that many people welcome it,  listen to it and dance to it,  which then causes their entire being to be vibrating at a particular negative frequencies which the sound carries,  which then cause them to start behaving in an ungodly way. That is Negative Sounds> Negative Vibrations and Negative Thoughts> Negative Actions.

The more this negative sounds are played in this territories the greater the ungodly acts in those territory will increase due to the shift in spiritual poles or pillars of those territories which then causes a shift in the spiritual atmosphere of these territories. And these shifts are caused by this negative sounds that is released to the atmosphere of these territories, because sound is part of the codes God used to program creation or lay the foundation of the world (Job 38:6-7, psalm 67:5-6). This is the reason why, the most perverted places in the world today are places where this negative sounds sells most and is been listens to most, and most of this negative sounds are released through Hip-hop artist. Also, the Videos which or images which they used to demonstrate this sounds are demonic, and they carry the spirit of immoralities etc. This sounds is what most of our youths listens to which end-up influencing and shape their mindsets, and structure their destiny to fulfill the devils desires for their lives.

Sounds can also be used to bring people and territories back to alignment with heaven or to re-balance people's DNA, thought pattern,  Vibrations,  Characters, Actions, Spiritual poles or pillars and atmosphere of an entire territories. Which then changes the environmental situations of that territory. That is, Positive Sounds> Balance lives> Balance  spiritual poles of the territory> Balance Spiritual and physical atmosphere of the territory. This same sounds can be used to heal the sick because Color, Sound and Frequency are related, and every state of consciousness we sustain has is own frequency, color and souns, likewise every state of health we experienced has is own frequency, color and sounds.

This is the reason why when doctors wanted to destroy cancer,  they usually exposed it to sounds.

It's this secret David engaged over Saul. Whenever an evil spirit entered into Saul,  David plays his harp,  and Saul frequency will go back to normal vibrations and the evil spirit inside Saul will leave him for a while. When the demon comes back,  David will play again, and Saul will be restored back to normal. Samuel also applied this secret in Ramah and the atmosphere of the place will be so charge Spiritually and Spirit of prophecy will rest upon the sons of prophet in that place and cause them to prophecy one by one.

The atmosphere of Ramah is so charged with the Spirit of prophecy such that when Saul got to their midst he also prophecies likewise from morning to evening.

 It's this same mystery of sounds that Joshua and the entire children of Israel used to pull down the wall of Jericho in Joshua 6:1-20.

God also instructed Jehoshaphat King of Judah to apply this secret, and when he does, their enemies fought themselves in battle until they are finally destroyed.

Sounds can also be used to make a territory or land to yield her increase,  psalm 67:5-6. Because sounds causes a land to vibrate at a particular frequency.

Finally as we come to the time of the restoration of all things, those who will understand the mystery of sound and know how to engage it's priesthood to administrate heaven to earth will rise in different territories of the earth. Such that the sounds we will be hearing in territories upon the earth will be the very sounds that proceed from the throne room in heaven. In the Name of Yeshua, Amen.

Elijah Enoch


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