There are protocols to observed for anyone that wanted to meet the Father in person and commune with HIM intimately, and one of this protocol is that you must first draw near to HIM, you must first go to the place where HE dwells, then HE will reveal himself to you at HIS dwelling place.
There are two different places that the scripture reveals to us that the Father specifically consecrated and established HIS throne there as HIS dwelling place;
one is heaven which is beyond the sky above, and the second is the heart of those who have become born again, there also our heavenly Father established is dominion by HIS Spirit so that everything we thinks, feel, experience, imagine and do will be inspired by HIS Spirit and regulated by HIM.
Apart from this, the ultimate purpose why HE chooses to dwell in our heart by HIS Spirit is so that we can experience fellowship and intimate union with HIM such that HE will be so real and close to we HIS children beyond life itself to the point that HE becomes our best friend and our companion in every moment and days of our life such that everything we do proceed from HIM and are filled with HIM.
Our heart is a door way or portal that we can pass through to meet our heavenly Father and then commune with HIM there.
If you want to meet your heavenly Father, you can meet HIM anytime and any day that you choose to meet HIM;
Just go to a quiet place, your closet, or room and shut the door, and then raise your two hands up and deep from your heart invite your heavenly to come and make himself real to you in that secret place.
After you invite, then quiet your soul and remain calm in that room and wait for HIM to manifest HIS person to you.
Withdraw your consciousness from the things of this world and turn your heart focus to HIM in your heart.
Take your focus from this life and physical things around you, and shift your attention to the person of the Father within your heart, and remain quiet, calm and peaceful in HIS presence.
When you start to do this, at first you may not feel or see anything, but as you remain quiet and calm within your heart without allowing your mind to wander around, rather you keep on turning to the LORD presence within your heart without moving, talking or thinking, but simply wait on HIM with quietness, silence and stillness as long as possible, your heavenly Father will begin to make himself real to you little by little within your heart, and then HE will begin to manifest HIS person to you in your secret place. And when you keep on seeking HIM in this manner, the veil will be remove from your eyes and you will begin to see HIS glory within your heart.
A time will come that HIS person will be so real to you in your closet and you will commune with HIM face to face as a friend commune with his friend, the HE will begin to reveal secrets of HIS kingdom to you that only HIS friends knew.
This is what it means to seek God, i.e seeking HIM within your heart, because that is where HE dwells and chose to be HIS abode, this is why HE said .."thou shall seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart." Jeremiah 29:13
When you truly seek HIM within your heart this way, you will find HIM within you, and then around you in the secret place.
Now after you have begin to have encounters with HIM, the first you will begin to experience deep within you when HE begin to make himself real to you is a deep overwhelming sense of PEACE and LOVE within you, this is a sign that HE is around you in that secret place.
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