There is a dance, that you can dance, when things looks bad and that situation will change.
There is a dance that you can dance, and favors start coming your way as a result of dancing it.
There is a dance that you can dance, that everything you have lost will be restore back to you.
There is a dance that you can dance, that changes the situation of your life forever.
There is a dance that you can dance, that after dancing it consistently for a long time, money will start coming your way.
There is a dance that you can dance, that will change the situation of your business such that you will become a personality that people seeks to partner with.
This type of DANCE is not the type that you learn from someone,
Neither is it the type that you copied from your culture.
It's a DANCE that comes to you in the secret place of your room when you are alone through the inspiration of HOLY SPIRT.
You cant force it to come, but if you surrender yourself to HOLY SPIRIT it will come naturally.
Its a mystical dance, because its sponsored by the SPIRIT of GOD.
When you dance it, your problems disappear from your heart, and JOYS fills your heart.
When you dance it, in the mist of storm,
The storm cease and favor start coming your way.
When you dance it, in the mist of poverty,
money start to respond to you in a strange manner.
When your business is not going the way you desire it and customers are not coming as you desire it, and you dance this dance,
In a strange way, doors of favor with men will start opening for you and customers will start coming and you will be amazed.
This dance itself cannot solve your problem, rather its the personality that you DANCE it to, that will change your story.
Its the personality that inspired you to dance it that causes changes in your life.
When you are down and you don't know what to do,
do not worry, just lock yourself up in your room and start dancing to your heavenly Father over that situation.
When men reject you and no one understand you, do not panic just lock yourself up, sing and dance to I AM THAT I AM, your heavenly Father.
and the same men that reject you will start favoring you.
Its a Dance that you engage as a means of offering praise to your heavenly Father.
Its a dance that you engage as a means of acknowledging HIS greatness over that situation that you pass through.
Its a dance that you engage as means of invoking the presence of your heavenly Father in the secret place.
When you dance it, the very territory where you are placed start responding to you in a strange way and men will start honoring you.

This dance is a strange MYSTICAL DANCE that solves problem.


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