There is a Spirit that has been in existence before the foundation of the world began. HE is part of the Godhead, the greatest 3 personalities in the entire creation.
They are the ones that created everything that you see in the universe today. No one knows their beginning and no one will ever know their end, because they exist before time and they will continue to exist after time.

They are the one that created time for man to use as a tool during his walk here on earth.
These Godhead partnered together to create everything.
After they created man, one of them who happened to be the force or power through which creation was put into existence was chose to live with man, that through HIM man will be able to continue creation from where his heavenly Father who happened to be the head of this Godhead stopped.
But due to man's unrighteousness and evil thoughts, this great personality couldn't live with man permanently but comes to visit him once in a while to stir him up towards holy things and desire for his heavenly Father.

During this dispensation that this great Spirit couldn't live permanently with man, there is a particular breeds of people that this Spirit do visit frequently than the rest of mankind.
These breeds of people where totally controlled by this Spirit whenever HE comes upon them such that they will think HIS thoughts, feel HIS presence, speak HIS words and act as HIM during that moment that HE is upon them.

Then after a while when HIS purpose for coming upon them is fulfilled for that time, HE will leave them for a while until another time when they needs HIM or that HE want to use them.
And there is a way that these people lived their life that makes it easy for that Spirit to come upon them anytime HE desires to come;
They lived their lives for that Spirit alone,
They spend time communing with HIM,

They ministered to HIM through sounds, worship and fasting,
They study about HIM and listen to stories of great patriarchs and saints of old that has walked with this great Spirit ahead of them.
They mortify their flesh and set their heart on things of this Spirit alone, and HIS thoughts filled their heart.

This is how these strange breeds of people lived their life, and its this that enables them to walk in strange power and authority of this Spirit, it enables them to experience strange demonstrations of this personality.
Through HIM, they demonstrated immortality,
They do what ordinary men cannot do,
They perform many sings and wonders and creative miracles and they walk as god among men.
The name which these strange breeds of people were called during this dispensation is 'PROPHET'.

The first man in the lineage of this strange breeds of people that demonstrated the abilities of this great Spirit to his generation is called ENOCH.
He is the first man that demonstrated immortality to his generation.
He fellowshipped with the Father of Light to a point that he himself began to emit pure white light or glow in his face and body and men couldn't behold his countenance.

He walked the path of RIGHTEOUSNESS,
The path of WISDOM.
His heart was filled with the instructions of his heavenly Father and the wisdom of this great Spirit.
He never deviated from this path but stayed firm on it.
And he taught men that lived during his day how to live this life.
And he prophesied to them about the coming of a dispensation when this great Spirit shall descend permanently and live with the sons of men till eternity.

He speaks about a dispensation when WISDOM shall be given to mankind and live in the heart of men.

A dispensation when it will no longer be a particular breeds of people that will have access to this great Spirit but the entire generation that live during that period shall be given access and the choice to know HIM and fellowship with HIM.

A dispensation when no one will tell his neighbor know the LORD, but everyone shall know their heavenly Father.

A dispensation when a new heart shall be given to the sons of men and they shall align with their heavenly Father.

That dispensation that he prophesied about is now here.
That great generation that he and many other prophets in his lineage prophesied about is our generation.

That great Spirit that turns ordinary men to immortal is the HOLY SPIRIT and HE has descended fully on earth to abide with the sons of men, and to teach them the wisdom of the Kingdom of their heavenly Father.

HE has descended to conform man to the image of the first born, JESUS CHRIST who is the original and patterned man.

HE has come to teach man the path of LIFE and IMMORTALITY.
Now is the time for the fulfillment of these prophecies.
Moses prophesied about this dispensation,
David speaks about it through his psalms and poem,
Isaiah speaks concerning it as he was moved by this great Spirit,
Daniel also speaks about it in his writings,
Ezekiel also prophesied it,

The great apostle, Paul himself also confirmed it and re-state it through his writings,
Apostle peter also prophesied about us.
Now is the time for that which they all spoken about to come to pass.

The fullness of the Spirit has now be released to us;

Its time for us to do work of our heavenly Father,
Its time for us to learn from this great Spirit,
Its time for us to live for HIM and bring our live under HIS government, only then can we unlock HIS fullness,

Only then can we fulfill our destiny,
Only then can HE teach us the path of LIFE,
Only the can HE teach us the path of IMMORTALITY,
Only then can we be conformed to the original image of the first Son and Man,
Only then can we become perfect like our heavenly Father, then our life can bear fruit in abundance for the Kingdom,
Only then can our heavenly Father be glorified,

When we live and commune with this great Spirit every moment of our life, then shall the power of ages to come start manifesting in our life and the gate of hell shall be shaken for our sake. Amen.

Elijah Enoch 


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