when someone come into the kingdom and submit his total life to our LORD JESUS CHRIST, there are things that he must be taught in the kingdom so that he can mature and fulfill his destiny in this kingdom. Among many things that such believer must be taught is the pathway of relationship with his heavenly Father and our LORD Jesus Christ that redeem us into the kingdom-1 john 1:3. THis is the first and major thing that he must be taught before and above all other things like principles, power, mysteries and wisdom of the kingdom. These things are very important but union with our heavenly Father and Jesus that establish these things must be regard above these things. He must commit himself to this teaching and alllow the power of God in it to transform him greatly and bring him to a state where he becomes one with his heavenly Father experiencially.

while teaching this new believers the pathway of relationship you can also teach them other important principles and wisdom of the kingdom that will make them to experience the power of the kingdom in their lives and that can solve their problems here on earth both spiritual and material ones. But these teachings must not replace the ultimate teaching which is union with our heavenly Father, for this is the ultimate goal and purpose for the death of JESUS CHRIST and the coming of HOLY SPIRIT into our heart.This is what the Father desires most and expect from we his sons and daughters. It has been HIS desire before the foundation of the world began to have a breed of people that will look and function like HIM, that will have close fellowship with HIM and the entire Godhead. Therefore, we must fulfill the desire of our heavenly Father according to the measure of grace that HE has bestow on each-one of us that HE has chosen to be HIS minister by teaching those who HE committed to our hands the wisdom through which they can fellowship with HIM experientially.

Then, after teaching them the spiritual technology through which they can fellowship with our heavenly Father and they have began to develop along this area and make use of this wisdom and reach a level where they too can experientially commune with this Father of Light , then you can proceed to teaching them other wisdom and principles of the kingdom that a believer ought to know in this life before passing-on to a greater glory to join the great cloud of witnesses that has gone ahead of us. But you must occasionally come back to teach them about union with our heavenly Father which is the ultimate goal and greater level of wisdom through which they can attain to this union.

These teaching is something that a believer can never outgrow, even the great cloud of witnesses that has pass-on to greater glory are still learning about union with our heavenly Father and the wisdom through which they can attain to it, but the technology through which they are been taught this mystery is higher than the ones that we use here on earth.

Therefore, every believer must not graduate himself from this School of union with his heavenly Father, but rather he should continue to desire it above all other things and grow from one level to another. Remember, its wisdom to LOVE YAHWEH- John 17:3, 1 john 1:3.


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